What is Sleeve Gastrectomy?
The Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, or Gastric Sleeve Surgery, is a popular weight loss procedure that removes a large portion of the stomach, resulting in a reduction of 75-80%. This surgery is currently the most common method for weight loss, not only in the United States but also globally.

What does a gastric sleeve do?
Reducing the size of your stomach is a simple way to control how much you eat in one sitting. This helps you feel full faster and has the added advantage of decreasing the production of hunger hormones, which reduces your appetite and cravings. It can also help prevent sudden urges that could cause weight regain after losing it.
The procedure called Gastric Sleeve leads to major changes in a person’s lifestyle.
- Overall improved quality of life
- In the initial year, surgery usually leads to a weight reduction ranging from 60% to 70%.
- Reducing or improving health problems connected to obesity, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, liver disease, joint pain, and elevated cholesterol levels.
- Desire to eat decreases
- Reduction in hunger sensation
When should I consider gastric sleeve surgery?
The gastric sleeve procedure, also referred to as weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery, is a viable choice for people facing extreme obesity or obesity-related health issues. Nonetheless, it is crucial to consider other possible treatments before deciding on gastric sleeve surgery.
Usually, the first step is to make changes to your eating habits and exercise routine. Furthermore, specific medications can assist in reducing weight. Surgery is generally only considered when all other alternatives have been tried and failed.
Losing weight after undergoing gastric sleeve surgery could potentially improve conditions like asthma attacks, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and potentially benefit heart health.
What happens during the surgical procedure known as gastric sleeve?

The doctor will give the patient general anesthesia, which will cause them to fall asleep during the operation.
Your surgeon will enlarge your abdominal region by making a small cut that is around half an inch long. They will insert a port and then introduce carbon dioxide gas through the port to aid in the expansion.
Following that, a port will be used to insert a laparoscope, which is a miniature video camera equipped with a light source. It will project the visuals of the inside of your body onto a screen.
The surgeon will use thin and elongated instruments to complete the procedure by making additional incisions and inserting extra ports, usually one to three more.
The size of the gastric sleeve will be decided by the surgeons, who will then use a surgical stapler to separate and isolate the remaining part of your stomach.
The surgeon will remove the rest of your stomach and then close up your incisions.
Recovery after Surgery
The surgical operation typically takes approximately 40 to 70 minutes.
Typically, patients are discharged from the hospital after staying for a period of 1-2 nights.
It is advised for all patients to commence walking within 3 to 4 hours following their surgical procedure.
It is usually recommended for patients after surgery, suggesting that they will experience only mild discomfort.
Most patients usually resume their work or school activities within 2-4 weeks after undergoing surgery. In the initial two weeks of recovery, patients often feel tired due to their intake of a low-calorie liquid diet. However, they rarely experience hunger during this time. Once they start on a soft diet, usually after two weeks of surgery, their energy levels quickly improve. On occasion, we may allow patients to work from home for 2-3 days a week following their surgery.
Patients can start engaging in physical activity four weeks after their surgery.

How much weight can one anticipate losing after undergoing the Gastric Sleeve procedure?
- On average, people lose around 60-70% of the extra weight on their bodies.
- In the first two weeks, people typically lose 10 to 20 pounds of weight, with most patients losing about one pound per day on average.
- In the first three months, most individuals usually lose between 35% to 45% of their initial excess weight.
- In the first six months, a person has the potential to shed approximately 50-60% of their excess weight.
- In the first year, there is a possibility of losing 60-70% of the excess weight.
- Most people reach their lowest weight within 12 to 24 months after surgery.
- The Gastric Sleeve procedure has an average success rate of approximately 80-90%.
For what health issues is gastric sleeve surgery an effective treatment?
The Gastric Sleeve Surgery is a medical procedure specifically done to address obesity and its related health problems. It is only offered to individuals who fulfill specific criteria, such as having severe health issues related to obesity or being at high risk of developing such conditions. This surgery has the potential to significantly reduce or eliminate various illnesses.
Insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes.
High blood pressure can lead to the development of heart disease.
Elevated levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream and obstruction of the arteries.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and steatohepatitis pertain to a health condition in which an excess of fat collects in the liver, resulting in inflammation and damage to the liver.
Sleep apnea
Decreased cancer risk
Join pain
Depression and various psychological and social concerns
The gastric sleeve procedure may lead to an increase in testosterone levels if they are currently low.
Urinary incontinence
Advantages of gastric sleeve surgery
- The gastric sleeve procedure can lead to improvements in various health problems caused by obesity, including Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, fatty liver, and arthritis.
- In comparison to the more complex procedure, the simpler gastric bypass surgery typically results in fewer negative outcomes.
- The method being discussed does not involve using a foreign object in the body, unlike gastric banding.
- People who opt for bariatric surgeries, like gastric sleeve, tend to have a longer life expectancy, better physical health, and a higher quality of life when compared to those who do not choose to undergo these procedures.
- After successfully undergoing a gastric sleeve surgery, it is generally considered safe to use anti-inflammatory medications like NSAIDs.
Diet after Gastric Sleeve Surgery
After having a surgical operation, you will be required to drink see-through liquids on the first day. Once you are discharged from the hospital, your diet will mainly consist of mashed food and protein drinks, and this dietary routine will last for about four weeks.
Keep in mind that your eating habits should be changed for good. After the first month, you should slowly transition to eating more easily digestible solid food. Additionally, it is important to bear in mind these extra recommendations:
- Before consuming food, it is crucial to chew it thoroughly with your teeth.
- It is best not to drink any liquids while eating as this could potentially overfill your surgically altered stomach.
- Drink liquids half an hour after finishing your meal.
- Avoid high-calorie sodas and snacking.
- Make taking vitamin and mineral supplements a regular part of your daily routine.
After a period of 2 to 3 months, it is advisable to return to regular eating habits. Nevertheless, one should be mindful that the amount of food consumed will be less than before starting the diet.
Having Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery in Turkey?
The patient must carefully search for an appropriate service provider, have information, and ask about the surgeon and his experience. And also, checking examples of his previous operations.
Accordingly, we encourage you to contact the Health & Beauty to obtain all information and details, and to ensure that you have your operation done by the hands of the most skilled doctors working in this specialty.