What Is a SMAS Facelift?
The SMAS Facelift is a cutting-edge procedure designed to focus on the lower two thirds of the face. It works by targeting the underlying layers of facial tissue, allowing for significant and lasting facial rejuvenation outcome.

What are the benefits of a SMAS lift?
No matter what you do, whether it’s adjusting your diet, exercising regularly or using skincare products, you cannot prevent the natural process of aging. As time goes by, the skin on your face and neck inevitably becomes less elastic. Additionally, the midface tends to lose fat, resulting in less defined facial bones. The soft tissues of the face start to droop, causing cheeks to flatten and deep lines to form around the mouth. The definition of the jawline also fades, leading to the appearance of jowls, and the skin on the neck becomes noticeably wrinkled.
There are multiple advantages to receiving a SMAS facelift, which can assist individuals in appearing several years younger. Some of these benefits include:
- Youthful looking lower face
- Tighter and more defined jawline
- Elimination of jowls
- Tightening sagging facial skin
- Boost self-confidence
- Achieve a more youthful appearance with natural and believable outcomes.
Who is suitable for this treatment?

A large number of both women and men visit Health & Beauty a revitalized and more youthful appearance. Some individuals arrive because their non-invasive dermal fillers or facelift procedures have ceased to provide the desired results. These individuals believe they are investing significant funds into maintaining their appearance, but are dissatisfied with the lack of a youthful and authentic look.
An individual seeking a SMAS facelift desires long-lasting results. However, it’s important to acknowledge that no facelift, including SMAS, can halt the natural aging process.
An SMAS facelift is a frequently performed surgery that can make you appear 10 years younger. Whether someone chooses to have this procedure should be based on their specific situation, including their lifestyle and facial features.
Individuals in their 40s, 50s, or 60s can undergo a SMAS procedure. Moreover, individuals in their 70s are also eligible for a SMAS.
Our skilled facial plastic surgeon is available for consultations to address any inquiries or worries you may have. By assessing the condition of your skin and muscles, as well as considering your lifestyle, they will offer the most suitable choices to help you attain your desired results.
What distinguishes SMAS facelifts from deep plane facelifts?
Both SMAS facelifts and deep plane facelifts focus on the lower two-thirds of the face. They both target sagging skin, excess fat, and jowls, although there are distinctions between them. Unlike SMAS facelifts, deep plane facelifts also address the neck. However, SMAS facelifts are considered less invasive. Some individuals believe that the results of a SMAS facelift appear more natural compared to a conventional facelift.

Once you are ready for the operation, anesthesia will be administered to you, typically in the form of intravenous sedation (IV) and a local numbing agent.
Your face will have visible markers indicating where incisions will be made. A cut will be made at your temple, just above your hairline. It will then move down along the naturally occurring wrinkles of your skin and bend around the back of your ears.
The skin on the face and neck will be lifted and tightened, and any extra skin will be taken off. This process will follow the natural curves and creases of the skin, both in front of and behind the ears. The majority of the scars from the procedure will be concealed in the hairline and natural folds of the skin.
After the procedure, you will be provided with a bandage on your head and drainage tubes. It is normal to experience swelling, bruising, numbness, and discomfort during the recovery period, which may last for a few weeks. Typically, you can anticipate returning to work within two to three weeks and resuming your normal exercise and daily routine once your healing process is fully done.
Which other treatments can be included with a SMAS facelift?
Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that eliminates extra skin and reduces eye puffiness. This surgical treatment can reduce the appearance of fatigue and complement the effects of a facelift, giving long-lasting results for over eight years.
A brow lift, also known as an eyebrow lift, is a procedure aimed at reducing the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles on the forehead while lifting a drooping brow that can lead to heavy or hooded eyelids. This surgery is suitable for both women and men who want to achieve a more youthful appearance in the upper part of their face.
In certain cases, simply tightening the facial skin and lifting sagging tissues is not enough to combat the signs of aging. Some individuals may also have a weak facial structure, with flat cheekbones or a less defined jawline. To improve facial symmetry and enhance the overall look of the cheeks, chin, or jawline, specialized implants like cheek implants or jawline implants can be surgically used.
Having SMAS Facelift in Turkey?
The patient must carefully search for an appropriate service provider, have information, and ask about the surgeon and his experience. And also, checking examples of his previous operations.
Accordingly, we encourage you to contact the Health & Beauty to obtain all information and details, and to ensure that you have your operation done by the hands of the most skilled doctors working in this specialty.