Thighs Slimming
Many people are suffering from fat accumulation in the thighs area, which causes several problems. Fat accumulation also results in appearance of “cellulite”, and of course in unwanted way for most of people. Obesity causes thighs to touch each other, so when you walk or move, the thighs Rub against each other, resulting an increase of sweating in this area which lead to the darkness of thighs, and that prompts many people to think about Sculpturing the thighs.

Thighs Slimming:
If the accumulation of fat happens due to genetic reasons, the process of thighs Sculpturing is very difficult, because naturally the body tends to store fat in the thighs area before any other area in the body.
In addition, the attempts to slim the thighs and legs by following methods such as organizing food exercising etc., may not be succeed, because following diets may lead to slimming other areas of the body without thighs gets slimed.
Most patients with genetically inherited obesity in the thigh’s region suffer more from the thigh scales that do not fit with the rest of the body, meaning that attempts to slim the thighs by following the diet may harm the thighs more than it will benefit them, because the diet makes patients with genetic obesity lose weight from the rest of their body areas, which respond Diet quickly (such as chest, shoulders), and what would make increases the emergence of the problem of fat thighs.
Ways to slim Legs and Buttocks:
Exercising is a great way to get a healthy and perfect body, but it takes a lot of time and effort to have results.
Some natural mixtures and topical creams are common, but some of these methods and recipes are completely ineffective, or just lead to a simple effect.
In addition to the fact that، some of these widespread recipes may be harmful, they may cause an increase in “cellulite” problems, or in the simplest cases, thighs darken, with the possibility that it turns into severe inflammation. Sometimes, that may cause skin allergy, because of some of recipes components.
After trying all these methods and the lack of success, some wonder how do I get a thinner thigh?
Lots of different techniques are used to slim the thighs, including liposuction, and thigh lift operations to remove excess skin.
The techniques are varied, starting with the laser techniques, followed by some thermal techniques that are used to tighten the skin, or the use of some body sculpting techniques to sculpt muscles and slim the thighs, or even the use of surgical techniques to combine tightening the abdomen, buttocks and slimming the thighs.
Thigh liposuction is done in three ways:
- Surgically
- Ultrasound, which is used to melt fat.
- Low-power laser waves.
Thigh Sliming Steps:
- Reducing the amount fat in thigh area.
- Skin tightening in thigh area.
- Give a healthy body shape.
Steps of thighs’ fat removal by liposuction are different from weight losing by tightening the thighs, and we will quickly show the steps of each procedure.
Thighs slimming by Liposuction:
- Anesthesia: You can choose between local anesthesia or General anesthesia.
- Small surgical incision is made to insert a tube into the thighs, local anesthetic also can be injected through it.
- Fats will be melted using laser or ultrasound waves.
- The melted fat is suctioned out via tube, or by using a surgical vacuum or syringe.
Slimming thighs by tightening the sagging skin:
- Anesthesia: You can choose between general or local anesthesia.
- Surgical incisions are made, their sizes and locations depend on the areas wished to be treated.
- Usually, incision is made within pubic area, making it easier to hide with clothes.
- Fat in the thigh area is reshaped, skin is tightened.
- The incision closed and the recovery phase began.
Should I go for it?
you must be in good health, no chronic diseases could prevent anesthesia or affect recovery, you should not suffer from general obesity, and you must have a good proportion between weight and height except for the thighs.
In liposuction or fat sculpting in thighs, you should not suffer from significant skin sagging in thighs area, because liposuction is likely to increase skin sagging, so sagging should not exceed a certain limit until it can be treated with different methods like heat, electrical treatment later.
But when there is a significant skin sagging, case here is more suitable for thigh slimming procedure, by tightening sagging surgery, your expectations of the results must be realistic, knowledge about the risks and expected complication.
You should not be taking any medications that may hinder recovery, such as painkillers (aspirin, ibuprofen), or anticoagulants (including warfarin), which may cause bleeding during the surgery.
Relatively most patients recover quickly after thighs slimming by liposuction, expected recovery lays between few days to few weeks, but the recovery process varies from person to another.
But in case of tightening sagging thighs, the recovery period last from 3 weeks to 3 months, and in general the patient may suffer from some swelling, blueness and bruising, and these bruises may last up to several months before the final results show up.
Risks and potential complications:
Like all other surgeries, risks include, bleeding during surgery, as well as non-healing wounds, accumulation of inflammatory body fluids, as well as risks of strokes during recovery phase, in addition to risk of fat necrosis at thighs
Some of the risks related to scars, which may be large and sometimes noticeable!
Some nerves need to be cut and reconnected during surgery, which may result a feeling of numbness and tingling in the thighs, however it may decrease over time or disappear or may not disappear at all and accompany the patient forever, also, risks of long-time pain may happen, which continue after the operation for a long time.
Pulse, the possibility of skin sagging may return and the fat may appear again in this area, then unfortunately the patient needs to get the process again!
How to maintain my weight?
- Healthy diet.
- Drinking 2 to 3 liters of water daily, as water breaks down fats.
- Avoiding soda and other drinks or foods that contain sugar.
- Drinking green tea every day to get a daily dose of antioxidants with minimal calories.
- Eating lean meat and protein, such as nuts and beans.
- Eating fruits and vegetables.
- Getting enough sleep
- Playing sports.