Penis enlargement by cutting the ligaments
The process of enlarging the penis by cutting the ligaments “ligament transection” is one of the simplest surgeries for lengthening the penis. The operation aims to increase the length of the external projection of the penis, meaning that the length of the penis remains constant and does not change the appearance of the erect penis, but rather increases the apparent length of the penis.
This is done by cutting the suspensory and primary ligament that connects the penis to the pubic bone, whose primary function is to support the penis during erection in a straight position, and a piece that leads to placing the penis closer to the body at a more obtuse angle, which increases the noticeable length.
During the operation, the patient is placed under general anesthesia, and the operation lasts for about an hour or less.

What should be done before the penis enlargement surgery by cutting the ligaments?
- You should stop taking blood thinners for 4 weeks.
- Refrain from taking diet pills before one month.
- Cut off diabetes medications the morning of surgery.
- No eating or drinking for 8 hours before the procedure.
How is the process done?
The patient is placed under observation and his vital signs such as heartbeat, temperature, pressure, etc. are measured, then a venous channel is opened in his arm, then he is placed under general anesthesia, and the doctor makes a surgical incision 2.5-3.5 cm long, then the doctor separates the tissues and accesses the ligaments, and then It separates the ligaments from the blood veins and cuts them either with a laser or with a surgical scalpel, then tightens and frees the penis, and then sews the wound with surgical stitches.
What to expect after the operation:
Some pain can be expected and any pain after surgery can usually be managed with simple painkillers.
The penis may swell and an erection during this time can be painful but this usually goes away after the first week of surgery.
Patients are asked to take an oral antibiotic to prevent infection and a simple bandage is applied to the pubic area.
It should be noted the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of the area, showering twice a day, starting from the third day after the operation.
The patient will not need to remove soluble sutures, and the clinic or hospital must be reviewed within a week.
What is the average recovery period for penis enlargement surgery by cutting the ligaments?
Patients can leave the hospital on the same day, but most patients experience some discomfort during the first few weeks after the operation and work and light activity can be resumed within one week.
You should not engage in strenuous activity for four weeks and sexual activity is allowed after four to six weeks, but some men may experience mild pain during an erection.
What are the possible side effects of penis enlargement surgery by cutting the ligaments in Turkey?
Possible side effects after penile enlargement by cutting the ligaments include:
- infection
- Penile shortness
- Nerve damage
- Lack of support for the penis during an erection (causing erectile dysfunction and difficulty in sexual intercourse and penetration)
Penis enlargement by cutting the ligaments in Turkey
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