Neck lift surgery
Neck lift surgery (also called platysmaplasty) is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the neck to address age-related wrinkling and creasing in this area, and provide a smoother

What is a neck lift?
The loss of youthful contours in the face and neck can be due to a variety of factors, including heredity, gravity, environmental conditions and stress.
Some people feel they are not ready for a full facelift because the upper face is still pleasing. However, many patients will note excess wrinkling of the neck skin, a double chin or “turkey wattle” and jowl lines.
When the neck area doesn’t match the upper facial appearance, a neck lift may be a good solution.
What neck lift surgery can treat
- Excess fat and skin relaxation in the lower face that creates jowls
- Excess fatty deposits under the chin
- Loose neck skin
- Muscle banding in the neck, which created abnormal contours
Who is a good candidate for neck lift surgery?
In general, good candidates for a neck lift include:
- Healthy individuals who do not have medical conditions that impair healing
- Nonsmokers
- Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic expectations
Some people feel they are not ready for a full facelift because the upper face is still pleasing. However, many patients will note excess wrinkling of the neck skin, a double chin or “turkey wattle” and jowl lines.
When the neck area doesn’t match the upper facial appearance, a neck lift may be a good solution.
How should i prepare for neck lift surgery?
In preparing for neck lift surgery, you may be asked to:
- Get lab testing or a medical evaluation
- Take certain medications or adjust your current medications
- Stop smoking
- Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding
Special instructions you receive will cover:
- What to do on the night before and morning of surgery
- The use of anesthesia during your neck lift
- Post-operative care and follow-up
A neck lift may be performed in an accredited office-based surgical facility, licensed ambulatory surgical center or a hospital. Since your neck lift will be performed on an outpatient basis, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you to and from surgery and to stay with you for at least the first night following surgery.
What are the steps of a neck lift procedure?
A neck lift procedure includes the following steps:
1 – anesthesia
medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. The choices include intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Your doctor will recommend the best choice for you.
2 – the incision
depending on the degree of change you’d like to see, your neck lift choices include a traditional neck lift incision or a limited incision neck lift.
A traditional neck lift incision often begins in the hairline at the level of the sideburn, continues down and around the ear and ends in the posterior hair. Fat may be sculpted or redistributed from the jowls and neck. The tissue underlying the neck skin is repositioned, and commonly the platysma muscle is tightened. Skin is redraped over the uplifted contours and excess skin is trimmed away. A separate incision under the chin is often necessary for liposuction of this area and for repair of the muscle. Sutures or skin adhesives close the incisions.
A limited incision neck lift may involve incisions only around the ear. While the incisions are shorter, the results may be more limited.
3 – closing the incisions
incision lines are closed with sutures and perhaps skin glue. Sutures may be dissolving, or may need to be removed after a few days. Once healed, the incision lines from a neck lift are usually well concealed within the hairline and in the natural contours of the ear.
4 – see the results
the visible improvements of a neck lift appear as swelling and bruising subside. Your final neck lift result should not only restore a more youthful and rested appearance, but also help you feel more confident about yourself.
What results should i expect after neck lift surgery?
As you begin to evaluate your neck lift results, please remember that it may take several weeks to months for swelling to fully dissipate and up to six months for incision lines to mature.
Life-long sun protection and a healthy lifestyle will help extend the results of your rejuvenated, more youthful appearance.
As swelling and bruising subside, the visible improvements of a neck lift appear. Your final result should not only provide a more youthful and rested appearance, but also help you feel more confident about yourself.
Although good results are expected from your procedure, there is no guarantee. In some situations, it may not be possible to achieve optimal results with a single surgical procedure and another surgery may be necessary.
Following your plastic surgeon’s instructions is essential to the success of your surgery.
It is important that the surgical incisions are not subjected to excessive force, abrasion or motion during the time of healing. Avoid wearing any clothing that must go over your head. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to care for yourself.
Cost of neck lift surgery in Turkey
The cost of the operation cannot be determined before examining the case with the doctor