How is Gastric Sleeve & Gastric Bypass Differ?
A process that helps you lose weight is an option when you need to eliminate a great deal of weight, especially if your diet, and diet pills haven’t worked.
Some of the most common bariatric procedures are gastric sleeve Surgery and gastric bypass surgery.
There are similarities between the two procedures, but you will also find key differences.
This article will take a closer look at both operations and what They involve, such as their advantages and disadvantages, and when to think about one over the other.

What is the difference Between these two surgeries?
- Lower your stomach from its regular size to a small pouch. This causes weight loss in two manners:
- The pouch fills up fast so it limits the amount of food you can consume until you feel satisfied
- reducing The amount of ghrelin, commonly known as the “hunger hormone,”
- creating Both processes differ in the way the new stomach pouch is
Gastric sleeve surgery
With gastric sleeve surgery, the surgeon Permanently eliminates about 80 % of your stomach where the left sewn to a tiny banana-shaped stomach pouch. without making any other modifications
Gastric bypass surgery
With this process, also called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, a Small stomach pouch is created by removing, or”bypassing,” most of your stomach and the first section of your small intestine.
The newly created stomach pouch is then reconnected to the remaining small intestine.
The bypassed part of the gut is attached further down the Small intestine, so it provides the acidity and digestive enzymes produced there.
The portion of your gut that is eliminated together with your Stomach normally absorbs any calories and nutrients. And that doesn’t happen, which leads to a weight loss.
Is there a difference in the recovery after the surgery?
- Gastric bypass is significantly more complex than gastric sleeve operation. This is only because gastric bypass is a two-step procedure, whereas gastric sleeve just involves one measure.
- Both gastric sleeve surgery and gastric bypass are usually done laparoscopically.
- This involves inserting a lighted scope with a camera known as a Laparoscope and other resources through many small incisions in your abdomen to do the operation.
- If everything goes well, you don’t have a great deal of postoperative Pain, and you are ready to keep fluids down. You’ll normally go home 1 or 2 days after gastric sleeve operation.
- If you have a great deal of pain after your gastric sleeve surgery, aren’t able to keep liquids down, or have some other difficulties, you might need to devote an excess day or two at the hospital.
- Because gastric bypass is much more complex, you will likely spend at least two days in the hospital, before you’ve recovered enough to return home.
- You might need to Remain in the hospital for more if you’ve Complications after the surgery.
- Sometimes, laparoscopic surgery isn’t possible, so open operation is performed. This requires a far larger incision in your abdomen. This type of incision is longer to heal than the tiny laparoscopic incisions.
- If You’ve Got open surgery, you’ll be in the hospital before your incision has healed enough that you go home. This often means 4 or 5 days in the hospital.
Why to get an open surgery?
- You’ve had surgery on your stomach before
- you are extremely overweight
- you have significant medical problems in addition to obesity
- As Soon as You’ve left the hospital, you’ll need time to fully recover. You are going to need to take it easy for 4 weeks until you can resume your normal activities.
What about the complications?
Bariatric surgery is a fairly safe procedure. There are some factors which can complicate any operation, such possible complications after bariatric surgery include:
- Infection
- Vitamin and nutrient deficiencies
- Nausea, perspiration, and acute diarrhea from eating too fast or eating sugary, fried, or fatty foods, or dairy (dumping syndrome)
- Saggy or loose skin
- Acid reflux
- Leakage of gut fluid
- Narrowing (stenosis) along the stomach pouch
- Gut Obstruction
Complications specific to gastric bypass include:
- increased sensitivity to alcohol
- A greater risk of nutritional deficiencies because of bypassing part of your small intestine
- Gut Obstruction
- Stomach perforation
- Stomach ulcers
What are the changes?
- The dietary changes You’ll Have to make after
- For about a week after your operation, you’ll only take in liquids.
- For another 3 weeks, you’ll be able to eat pureed meals and soft food.
- Two months after surgery, you will be able to eat regular food.
- The main difference in postoperative diet is the size of your Stomach pouch, which affects how much you can eat.
- Gastric sleeve operation creates a pouch that holds about 3 oz.
- With gastric bypass, your pouch holds about 1 oz, or about the size of a golf ball.
- Significant dietary guidelines that you’ll need to follow after your gastrointestinal sleeve or gastric bypass surgery include:
- Eating small quantities and stopping when you are complete
- Chewing your food completely
- Eating slowly
- Taking the recommended vitamins and nutritional supplements
- Staying hydrated by drinking enough water
- Sipping fluids instead of drinking quickly
- Avoiding food that is difficult to digest, such as tough bread and meat
- Preventing carbonated beverages
- Your pouch will extend over time. It’s important not to overeat after bariatric surgery because your pouch can stretch for one to recover the weight that you lost.
What are the advantages and disadvantages?
One of the biggest benefits, which applies to gastric Sleeve surgery and gastric bypass is these procedures significantly lower your danger of obesity conditions, for example:
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Type two diabetes
- High cholesterol (hyperlipidemia)
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Fatty liver disorder
What are the advantages and disadvantages of gastric sleeve surgery?
Gastric sleeve advantages
- It’s possible to lose up to 65 percent of your excess body weight.
- It’s a one-step process so there’s a lower risk of complications.
- The recovery is quicker compared to gastric bypass.
Gastric sleeve disadvantages
- There is less weight reduction compared with gastric bypass.
- Weight reduction is slower.
- It can’t be reversed.
- It can cause acid reflux.
Having Gastric Sleeve or Gastric Bypass in Turkey?
The patient must carefully search for an appropriate service provider, have information, and ask about the surgeon and his experience. And also, checking examples of his previous operations.
Accordingly, we encourage you to contact the Health & Beauty to obtain all information and details, and to ensure that you have your operation done by the hands of the most skilled doctors working in this specialty.
Request a free consultation.