Hair transplant for men
Hair transplant is a surgical procedure restores hair in balding areas of the scalp using the patient’s own hair.
Before digging into more details you can find a comprehensive information about the causes of hair loss and some possible solutions
Hair loss in men
Approximately 50% of men of hair loss and baldness.
Hair loss is a very common condition and affects most people at some time in their lives.
– Hair loss that happens due to breakage of the hair shaft is different than the hair loss happens due to decreased growth in hair.
Androgenetic alopecia or Androgenetic hair loss seen in both men and women but is more dramatic in men.
Thyroid disease, anemia, protein deficiency, chemotherapy, and low vitamin levels may cause hair loss.
Alopecia areata is a form of hair loss produced by the autoimmune destruction of hair follicles in a specific areas of skin.
The prescribed medications for hair regrowth include minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia)
Prevention of hair loss includes keeping good hair hygiene, regular washing of hair, and good nutrition.
The Medical health screening for hair loss may include blood tests such as complete blood count (CBC), Iron level, vitamin B, thyroid function tests (TFT), and a biopsy of the scalp.

Causes of hair loss
What cause baldness in men (male pattern baldness) is that the roots of the hair get affected by the hormone androgen (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone) DHT.
Where hair follicles are affected by the increase secretion of this hormone and stop producing hair gradually.
Here we must eliminate the confusion among men which is that the bald man’s masculinity is more than others due to the increase in his male hormone DHT, while the fact is that all healthy men have an equal secretion of DHT hormone, but the bald man’s follicular unites gets affected more by the hormone while the other are not
The Norwood Scale – How Bald Are You?
Norwood Scale of Male Pattern Baldness
- Minimal hair loss.
- Insignificant hair loss at the temple area.
- The first stage that requires treatment.
- Receding hairline and thinning hair on the vertex area.
- More of hairloss on the vertex and hairline.
- Both areas have a larger hairloss but there still alitle line of hair at the top area .
- It’s a full baldness but there still some thinning hair.
- The most severe form of hair loss.

It’s no secret that men with a receding hairline can have it controlled, but at the sametime, it could be just the starting of the baldness.
Male pattern baldness is the most common hair loss diagnosis in men. Genterally, it starts at the temples and crown area of the head, and over time, the two areas eventually meet.
Norwood Scale is a set of images that depict the different stages of male pattern hair loss. Now, whether they try to avoid it or not, most men know what to expect when they see the early signs of hair loss
Well! hair loss rate varies enormously among men . Male hair loss can begin as early as puberty and some men may have it rapidly in their 20’s up to stage 3 or 4 , while the others may have no visible hair loss until they are in their 50’s up to advance stage like 6 /7 stage in just a few years.
Essentially, the scale is used to assess how advanced a man’s hair loss is – the higher the number, the more advanced it is. And if your hair starts thinning or receding early in life, you’re chance to lose quite a bit of hair is high.
Hair Growth Cycle
It’s very important to understand the hair growth cycle in order to recognize and understand many of the problems you can encounter with your hair. The hair growth cycle consists of three distinct stages – anagen, catagen and telogen.
Anagen Phase
Your hair grows around half an inch a month, and faster in the summer than in winter. The growth phase, or anagen phase, lasts an average of 3-5 years, so a full-length hair averages 18 to 30 inches. The anagen phase is generally longer in Asians, and can last as much as 7 years with hair being able to grow to 1 metre.
Catagen Phase
At the end of the anagen phase, your hair enters the catagen phase. It is a short transitional phase that lasts approximately 10 days.
Telogen Phase
Lastly, your hair enters the telogen phase, a resting phase when your hair is released and falls out. The follicle then remains inactive for 3 months and the whole process is repeated. Each hair follicle is independent and goes through the growth cycle at different times, otherwise all your hair would fall out at once. Instead, you only shed a certain number of hairs a day – up to 80 hairs on a healthy head of hair.
Hair loss, hair thinning and problems with hair growth occur when your growth cycle is disrupted. This can be triggered by conditions such as metabolic imbalances, illness or improper nutrition.
For instance, 6 weeks after restrictive dieting or a high fever you can experience telogen effluvium (diffuse hair fall). This occurs when your anagen phase is cut short and many hairs enter the telogen phase all at the same time.
If your hair growth cycle is constantly challenged, or not supported, you may find that your hair will not grow as long as it used to. This is because your hairs are never allowed to stay in the anagen (growing) phase long enough for your hairs to reach the desired length.
Hair transplant for men
Hair transplant for men is a non-surgical procedure that restores hair to balding areas of the scalp using the patient’s own hair.
The hair can be taken from the back area of the head and/or the sides of the scalp as well. This hair is genetically programmed to be permanent and not subject to the process of hair loss.
Transplant surgery is the only proven way to restore hair permanently to the balding areas or balding spots.
There are two different techniques currently available in the hair transplant: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the most sophisticated way in which we use in the Health and beauty Turkish center, and the other one is FUT Stripe technique.
FUE technique is the most famous method. in addition to its impressive results, it does not have complications when it’s done properly.
Before that decide to get a hair transplant, you should consult your doctor to check whether you are qualified to get this procedure or not. There are a number of constraints that can prevent you from having the the procedure, including having some medical issues, so you need to consult your physician.
Am I eligible for hair transplant?
:There are some cases at which men hair transplant couldn’t be performed
- A Low number of hair follicles in the donor area.
- Or a good number of hair follicles in the donor area but their quality is weak..
- The other impediment of hair transplant happens when a person wants to intensify an already existing hair (In good density already) and wants to implant in hair follicles between the existing hair on the scalp where the hair resides mainly.
- Having no enough donor hair in donor area
- skin diseases and lesions like alopecia areata and Lichen planus (unless cured), if transplant performed then the hair will fall out again, we’ll lose the implanted hairs.
- Diabetics patients who have sugar levels at high rates and can not be brought under control
Heart disease and pressure (here, should consult a doctor
Sadly, some commercial clinics accepts all the previous cases and have charge where hair transplant must not be conducted where the outcome will be an inevitable failure.
One important factor of hair transplantation is that the current natural hair is still likely to fall down in implanted areas. It is necessary to take care of these areas using some of the preventive measures and treatment of hair loss in order to avoid loss original hair after transplantation.
Some of other solutions that some specialists might recommend is having some pharmacological treatment for hair loss like six months before hair transplant.
There are also other solutions can be applied after the hair transplant process to strengthen transplanted hairs like PRP. However, there are many hair transplant related health conditions that is not covered here in which the doctor evaluate whether the case is suitable for a hair transplant or not.
Always! You have to consult an experienced and conscientious physician; this procedure could be processed just onetime in your life.
Same steps for hair & Beard transplantation (men and women )
Healing and results
There is no need for a longtime rest after the procedure, most patients will be able to return to work and other usual activities within a day or two after the procedure. However, there are some medical symptoms that appear after the operation does not need to be worried about::
- Swelling in the forehead of some patients.
- Appearance of small scabs in the implant area after the first week.
- Falling down of transplanted hairs after 3 weeks; They will grow again after 4-6 months where hair growth continues for around 1 year.
- Some patients require a second session to reach full coverage if the balding areas are too large. The second session must be performed 1 years following the first one at least.