Full-facelift and Mini-facelift

what is the best for you?

What’s Involved in a Facelift or Mini Facelift? 

Full-facelift and Mini-facelift – From facials to Facelifts there are a number of options available to people interested in correcting wrinkles, discoloration, along with other signs of aging. Surgical alternatives include a facelift or a mini facelift. Here’s a summary of how the procedures work and also the differences between them both. 

Full-facelift and Mini-facelift

Standard Facelift

Even a rhytidectomy, or A normal process of facelift will tackle moderate to complex aging across the bottom two thirds of the face and neck. Eye lift is a separate procedure, as is a neck lift. Even though both are sometimes done at the same time as a traditional facelift. A complete or standard facelift will require general anesthesia, and will leave swelling and bruising which can cause discomfort. 

At a standard Facelift, they make incisions just from the hairline near the temples. And also around the front of the back and ear to the lower scalp behind the ears. This way, any scars are less observable. The surgeon separates the skin from underlying tissue and muscle, repositions the deeper tissue beneath the epidermis, and eliminates skin. The surgeon is then able to smooth out creases, remove sagging beneath the chin, tighten the tissue, and create a more attractive shape to the face and neck. Bruising and swelling will slowly get better, and needs to be tricky to see after 10-14 days. Patients can generally return to normal activities following fourteen days, and much more strenuous exercise after four weeks. 

Mini Facelift

A mini facelift Targets sagging skin on the lower half of the face, around the neck and jawline, also needs fewer incisions than a traditional facelift. Doctors make Incisions along the hairline and in front of each ear. Just like the complete facelift, a mini facelift involves lifting and pulling the tissue below the skin and eliminating extra tissue. Frequently they insert fat grafting to deal with facial volume loss.

The smaller Incisions used in a mini facelift can be especially helpful for lower facial laxity, and sometimes, a mini-facelift might be performed with local anesthesia along with sedation. A mini facelift can be a good option before the signs of aging become too pronounced, allowing you to avoid more extensive surgery. The mini facelift has less downtime than a full facelift. 

Planning for having a Full-facelift and Mini-facelift in Turkey! What to do?

Before determining What kind of procedure to get, you will have to choose your doctor. Be sure to seek out a plastic surgeon, ask how many similar Procedures they’ve performed, and examine their before-and-after photos. Once you Select a surgeon, he or she can help you decide which type of Facelift is right for you. 

Accordingly, we encourage you to contact the Health&Beauty to obtain all information and details, and to ensure that you have your operation done by the hands of the most skilled doctors working in this specialty.

Request a free consultation.

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