Demystifying Monsplasty and its Benefits
A monsplasty is a type of surgery that involves eliminating excess skin and fatty tissue from the area around your mons pubis. The healing process may last around eight weeks, and although the procedure will result in a scar, the medical professional will make an effort to reduce its visibility.

Reasons patients want a monsplasty
A concern that some women face is having an accumulation of extra skin and fat in the mons area, which is the upper region of the hair-covered part of their vulva. This bulge can lead to feelings of embarrassment, causing women to avoid wearing bathing suits or tight pants.
Where is the location of the mons pubis?
Mons Pubis, alternatively known as Mons veneris, Venus hill, or bikini zone, refers to the triangular region positioned at the front of the pubic bone. This area, covered with hair, extends from the lower abdomen to the labia majora and contains fatty tissue underneath the skin.
The benefits of monsplasty:
- Minimize the dimensions and jutting out of your mons pubis.
- Enhance the shape of your upper pubic region while keeping scars to a minimum.
- Boost your self-assurance by donning various types of garments, including swimwear bottoms, underwear, and form-fitting activewear.
- Increase your sexual satisfaction
- Boost your perception of yourself and enhance your belief in your abilities

What type of individual would be considered as a suitable candidate for undergoing a monsplasty procedure?
Overall, if you meet the following criteria, you are considered a suitable candidate for a Monsplasty procedure:
- If you have excessive tissue or loose skin hanging from the area above your genitals, known as the mons pubis, it can pose difficulties when it comes to cleanliness or lead to the development of rashes or infections.
- Experience challenges with urination or sexual activity due to a prominent mons pubis.
- Do not suffer from any health conditions that hinder your body’s ability to heal.
- Do not possess any conditions like heart disease, diabetes, or lung disease.
- Avoid smoking or be willing to stop smoking for a period of four weeks (including two weeks prior to the procedure and two weeks following the procedure).
- Have realistic expectations.
What can I anticipate prior to my procedure?
To figure out if you are eligible for monsplasty and to know the necessary preparations for the surgery, it is recommended to have a discussion with one of our surgeons. The surgeon will evaluate your requirements and decide the most suitable method to obtain your desired outcomes. The type of anesthesia used during the procedure will depend on how much tissue needs to be removed, and you might have the option to go back home on the same day.
During the surgery
- To begin this process, you will be administered intravenous medication to sedate you.
- Afterwards, a regional pain relief medication is administered through an injection into your skin, as well as the tissues in the lower part of your abdomen and mons pubis, in order to induce a state of numbness.
- A cut is made horizontally on your skin in a region of your lower abdomen that can be concealed by a bikini.
- A scalpel is utilized to eliminate surplus fat tissue and skin.
- Sutures are used to tighten and pull up the underlying tissue and muscle, while the mons pubis is shaped through a sculpting process.
- Afterward, the cut is sealed with stitches and adhesive strips.
What happens after a monsplasty?
Once the monsplasty procedure is finished, your medical professional will protect the incisions using bandages. Additionally, they may choose to wrap the treated area with an elastic bandage or compression garment to assist in reducing swelling and provide support to the healing mons pubis.
The anesthesiologist will cease administering anesthesia to maintain your sleep.
Afterwards, you will be transferred to a recovery room, where medical professionals will be present, monitoring your well-being until you regain consciousness.
The majority of monsplasties are performed on an outpatient basis, allowing you to return home on the day of the surgery. However, if you undergo a monsplasty along with a tummy tuck or liposuction, you might be required to stay overnight at the healthcare facility.
After your healthcare providers decide that you no longer require observation, they will allow you to return home (release you). It is necessary for someone from your family or a friend to accompany you and provide care for at least the initial 24 hours following your monsplasty procedure.

What’s the recovery like?
After the effects of the sedation have faded away, you will be observed for a brief period to ensure there are no complications, and then you will be allowed to leave. It is necessary for someone to chauffeur you back to your residence post the medical procedure.
Following the surgical procedure, it is common to experience mild pain in the lower abdomen and mons pubis area. Bruising and swelling, which are usually mild, will be noticeable shortly after the surgery and can last for approximately 2 to 3 weeks.
Having Monsplasty in Turkey?
The patient must carefully search for an appropriate service provider, have information, and ask about the surgeon and his experience. And also, checking examples of his previous operations.
Accordingly, we encourage you to contact the Health & Beauty to obtain all information and details, and to ensure that you have your operation done by the hands of the most skilled doctors working in this specialty.