Breast Implant Revision surgery
In some cases, you may need to have a breast implant revision surgery for more than one reason, either because the shape is not satisfactory, whether in terms of size or shape. Or no reason related to the lack of success of the previous breast augmentation surgery

Who is a good candidate for Breast Implant Revision surgery?
The desire to have breast re-filling surgery could be due to any of the following reasons:
- Your silicone implants contain veneer sealants
- want to change the size of the implant / breast
- If you have tightening of scar tissue around the implant (capsular contracture)
- Your breast tissue changes due to stretched skin or weight loss / gain.
Here are some common reasons that may lead you to consider Breast Implant Revision surgery:
- If you want to increase or decrease the size of your breasts
- To correct asymmetry in the breast.
- Wish to address the problems that have developed with the implant or surrounding tissues.
- Pregnancy or breastfeeding changes the appearance of implants.
- Not satisfied with the results of previous surgery due to poor position of the implant or other aesthetic problems.
- If you are in good general health, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, then you are probably a good candidate for this procedure.
How can I prepare for a Breast Implant Revision surgery?
When preparing to have a Breast Implant Revision, you may be asked to:
Avoid taking aspirin, some anti-inflammatory drugs, and some herbal medicines that can cause increased bleeding.
Stop smoking at least six weeks before your surgery to better promote healing.
During recovery, your arm movement will have a limited range of motion, so store all supplies you’ll need during recovery where they are easily accessible.
Establish an uninterrupted support system for the full recovery indicated by your surgeon. This is critical to your recovery.
Rest and sleep on your back constantly in an inclined position (angle of 25 to 45 degrees) for post-operative days or while there is significant swelling.
Avoid hot showers, hot tubs, and saunas for two to three weeks.
Decide what you will wear for the first few days; Choose items that open in front. Wear slip-on shoes so that you don’t have to bend over.
What are the steps for changing a breast implant?
The exact procedure that the surgeon will use to remove and replace a breast implant varies depending on the cause of the change:
Change in breast size:
If you decide to change the size of the implant, your surgeon will frequently use your original incision to remove and replace the implant.
If you want to have a larger implant, your doctor will enlarge the “pocket”, or the space in the breast, surrounding the implant to accommodate a larger filling.
If you want smaller implants, your doctor may reduce the size of the pocket while performing sutures to properly fit the smaller implant. The breast may be raised at the same time.
Capsular contracture (implant stiffness):
Your doctor will likely use the same incision used to insert the original filling to remove the capsule and the implant will then insert a new filling.
Filling ripple:
When the edges of saline fillings are clear and palpable (they can be felt), the surgeon may use the same opening to remove or place the implant site as it was used to insert it originally.
Other options include using a different type of implant, placing the new implant in another breast pocket that has thicker muscle coverage, or using other tissue to cover the edge of the implant.
Poor transplantation:
Sometimes implant pockets are created too far or too close to each other, resulting in weak breasts. To correct this, using a pre-incision, the surgeon will treat the scar tissue from the capsule surrounding the implant and rebuild the pocket in the appropriate position using suturing techniques.
Removing the filling:
If the implants are large and your skin is stretched, your surgeon may recommend a breast lift in addition to removing the implant, but an implant alone may suffice. The original incision created to insert the filling will always be the same incision used to remove it.
The location of the nipple and areola:
If the position of your nipple and areola (pigmented skin surrounding the nipples) must be elevated, additional incisions will be required.
Incisions around the top of the areola will suffice in cases that do not need much height.
When more lifting and lifting procedures are necessary, an incision throughout the areola may be necessary, including a vertical scar that extends from the areola to the crease under the breast.
For cases that need to remove a large excess of skin (such as in women who have experienced significant weight loss), it may be necessary to make a third incision that extends horizontally below the breast, following the natural curve of the breast crease. If your nipple needs a lot of lift.
What should I expect during the Breast Implant Revision recovery process?
After the Breast Implant Revision operation, gauze pads or dressings may be applied to your incisions. Depending on the details of your surgery, a support bra or other type of clothing may or may not be placed. In some cases, a small, thin tube may be placed formally. Temporary subcutaneous drainage to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect. Having a breast lift in conjunction with the removal of a breast implant will prolong the healing time. If your breast implants are completely removed, your recovery period will likely be short, with minimal discomfort. Avoid Heavy physical activity for at least two weeks after surgery. Then, be gentle with your breasts for at least the following month. Your plastic surgeon will give you specific instructions and restrictions about physical activity.
What results should I expect after having a Breast Implant Revision?
The end results of breast replacement surgery are initially hidden by swelling. The swelling will take at least six weeks and become softer and more natural in Biting cases; breasts may take 6 to 12 months “normal”
The healing time varies for everyone, and sometimes it may take longer for the breasts to smooth out, return to normal feeling, the scars fade, and the patient gets used to the feeling of having an implant.
Although the expected results are good, there is no guarantee. In some cases, it may not be possible to achieve optimal results with a single surgical procedure and another surgery may be necessary.
Following your doctor’s instructions is fundamental to the success of your surgery. It is important that your incisions do not experience excessive force, abrasion, or movement during the healing time. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to take care of yourself.
The cost of Breast Implant Revision surgery
The cost of the operation varies according to its nature and the period of time during which the operation will be conducted.
The cost of the operation cannot be determined before examining the case with the doctor