Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS)
The duodenal switch is a surgical procedure intended for individuals suffering from severe obesity as a means of losing weight. It involves both a sleeve gastrectomy and an intestinal bypass. While the duodenal switch is a complex surgery, it is also the most successful in terms of weight loss and is particularly beneficial for treating Type 2 diabetes.

What could be the reasons for me to require BPD/DS weight-loss surgery?
This surgical procedure has the potential to decrease obesity and its associated ailments, such as heart disease, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. BPD/DS enables significant weight loss, surpassing that achieved through gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy.
Healthcare professionals may recommend the BPD/DS procedure to individuals who are severely overweight. This includes those with a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or above. They may also suggest the surgery for those with a BMI of 30 or higher, along with significant type 2 diabetes and additional health complications.
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Heart disease
- Sleep apnea
- Lung disease
- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
- Asthma or some other breathing problems
- Being ineligible for other surgical procedures as a result of being overweight.
- Not being able to achieve significant or long-lasting weight loss, or improvement in associated illnesses, through non-surgical methods for losing weight.

What amount of weight can be lost through undergoing a duodenal switch procedure?
On average, patients can anticipate shedding about 60 to 80 percent of their extra weight in a span of two years. Studies have shown that long-lasting weight loss of roughly 70 percent of excess body weight remains consistent even after a decade.

The Procedure
After the sleeve-like stomach is formed, the initial part of the small intestine is detached from the stomach.
Next, a section of the small intestine is raised and joined to the opening of the recently formed stomach. This enables the food consumed by the patient to pass through the sleeve pouch and enter the latter section of the small intestine.
How it Works
Patients with a smaller stomach, resembling a banana shape, can consume smaller amounts of food. This procedure diverts about 75% of the small intestine, which is the highest among commonly performed approved procedures. As a result, there is a significant reduction in the absorption of calories and nutrients. After the surgery, patients must take vitamin and mineral supplements. The BPD-DS, more than gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy, has an impact on intestinal hormones that decreases hunger, increases satiety, and improves blood sugar control. The BPD-DS is considered the most effective approved metabolic operation for treating type 2 diabetes.
Among the optimal outcomes for enhancing obesity
This causes a decrease in hunger and an increase in feeling satisfied after eating by impacting the hormones related to digestion.
The most efficient method for managing type 2 diabetes is this treatment procedure.
It exhibits slightly increased rates of complications in comparison to other procedures.
The highest level of malabsorption and increased likelihood of deficiencies in vitamins and micro-nutrients.
Reflux and heartburn can occur or worsen.
There is a possibility of experiencing looser and more frequent stools.
Surgery that is more intricate and necessitates a longer duration in the operating room.
What obesity-related conditions can duodenal switch surgery help treat?

Obesity significantly increases the chances of developing diseases in almost all parts of the body. However, duodenal switch surgery is an effective way to lower this risk and mitigate the impact of these diseases.
- Cardiovascular disease encompasses various conditions including high blood pressure, problems in the arteries, issues with the blood vessels, heart attacks, and strokes.
- Respiratory conditions include asthma, obstructive sleep apnea, and obesity hypoventilation syndrome.
- Metabolic disorders encompass conditions such as hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance, and diabetes.
- Gastrointestinal conditions: liver diseases caused by factors other than alcohol consumption, such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
- Reproductive disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome and the inability to conceive.
- Musculoskeletal pain includes conditions such as strain in the back and osteoarthritis that affects weight-bearing joints.
- Cancer, such as colorectal and liver cancer, is particularly noteworthy.
What happens after duodenal switch surgery?
You will need to regularly see your healthcare provider for follow-up appointments over the next one to two years, and continue to have periodic appointments for the rest of your life. The initial two years will be the most significant period of weight loss. Throughout this time, your provider will consistently monitor your progress and overall health. For the rest of your life, you will need to undergo regular blood tests to check for any nutritional deficiencies. Additionally, you will need to take daily nutritional supplements indefinitely. This is crucial to prevent malnutrition.
Living with the BPD-DS
After the surgery, it is vital to consume various dietary supplements.
- Multivitamins (usually twice per day)
- Iron supplements (usually twice per day)
- Calcium (usually twice per day)
- ADEKs, which are vitamins that dissolve in fat, are typically taken three times a day.
Your doctor will communicate about these matters with you and establish a plan for taking supplements.
Having Thread Lift Surgery in Turkey?
The patient must carefully search for an appropriate service provider, have information, and ask about the surgeon and his experience. And also, checking examples of his previous operations.
Accordingly, we encourage you to contact the Health & Beauty to obtain all information and details, and to ensure that you have your operation done by the hands of the most skilled doctors working in this specialty.