What is Sculptra Butt Lift?
The Sculptra Butt Lift is a non-surgical option for achieving a fuller buttocks appearance. Unlike other fillers, Sculptra is specifically designed for the buttocks area and has minimal or no negative effects.

This FDA-approved treatment stimulates collagen production in your body, resulting in a more natural-looking enhancement. Although immediate changes can be observed, it takes a few weeks to a few months for Sculptra to fully integrate with your body and produce collagen. Typically, final results become noticeable around 3-4 months after the treatment. The filler is carefully and precisely injected near the targeted muscles to create a firm and curvaceous look. While not permanent, the effects of Sculptra Butt Lift can last anywhere from 2 to 5 years.
How does a Sculptra butt lift work?
A Sculptra buttock enhancement functions in a distinct manner compared to other types of cosmetic injectables.
Instead of increasing volume immediately like hyaluronic acid components do, Sculptra introduces poly-L-lactic acid into the layers of your skin to stimulate your body’s own collagen production process.
Sculptra injections are used to fill the area beneath your buttocks with a natural, curved shape that complements your body type, as collagen is the protein responsible for providing structure and form to your skin.
It typically takes several weeks to months for collagen to be formed in the body. Consequently, you may require multiple injections in order to observe a noticeable enhancement in the fullness and contour of your skin.
Sculptra dermal filler is not approved by the FDA for any area of the body other than the face. Using Sculptra for the buttocks is considered an off-label application, hence limited clinical data is available regarding the expected outcomes.
Many individuals who undergo this treatment often express satisfaction with the outcome based on personal experiences.

Can I be considered a suitable candidate for a Sculptra Butt Lift?
If you do not have enough fat for a fat grafting butt lift but still desire a more enhanced look, then you are suitable for a Sculptra® or Radiesse® butt lift. It is important to be in good health and have realistic expectations for this procedure.
The Benefits of The Sculptra Butt Lift
- Safe and effective
- Specially customized to meet the patient’s desired buttock outcome.
- Subtle, natural, beautiful results
- Smooths the butt’s surface
- A painless butt lift option
- An efficient and easy way to achieve a more rounded and fuller posterior.
Preparing for a Sculptra butt lift
Prior to your scheduled Sculptra butt lifting session, your practitioner will provide you with guidelines on how to get ready. Make sure to adhere to these instructions diligently. It is possible that you will receive guidance on:
- stop smoking
- For your scheduled appointment, it is important that you refrain from consuming blood-thinning medications and herbal supplements for a period of two weeks in advance.
- Do not consume any alcoholic beverages within two days before your scheduled appointment.
Before your appointment, it is important that you provide information about your medical history, including any existing health conditions and the medications you are currently taking.

Can you explain the steps involved in the Sculptra butt lift procedure?
If you have spent a lot of time investigating and testing various methods to enhance your buttocks, you will find the Sculptra butt lift protocol to be a refreshing solution. At healthbeauty, we prioritize your comfort and convenience. You no longer need to worry about living with an average buttocks for your entire life – the transformation happens faster than you expect.
- Your doctor will assist you in managing your expectations by considering factors such as your body shape, where your fat is distributed, and how your body reacts to treatment. These factors will determine the number of Sculptra vials required to achieve the desired outcome for your buttocks.
- At the beginning of your Sculptra butt lift treatment, medical professionals will sterilize and mark your buttocks. This marking process helps in designing the appropriate injection pattern, which is crucial for creating symmetry and achieving the desired shape of your buttocks as previously discussed.
- After assuming a horizontal position on the bed, local anesthesia will be administered through two lidocaine injections at the site where the cannula punctures the skin.
- In order to insert the cannula, a small opening will be created in the skin using a bigger needle.
- Afterwards, a rounded-ended tube is inserted beneath the skin, specifically into the layer of tissue just above the gluteus muscles and multiple insertions are made in order to create space for the Sculptra filler. This process causes minimal bleeding or harm to the surrounding tissues as the tube’s tip is not sharp.
- The syringe containing Sculptra that has already been mixed is connected to the cannula, and the filler is administered in a specific manner to guarantee that the product is evenly distributed.
- After injecting all the filler, the cannula is taken out, the skin is cleansed, and bandages are put on.
- You will receive guidance on the proper aftercare routine and then be able to leave.
When will I see the results?
You will notice improvements within a few months of receiving the Sculptra treatment, and these improvements will continue to enhance for up to 6 months or longer in certain cases. Typically, the effects of the treatment will last between 2 to 3 years. If desired, Sculptra can be injected multiple times to further enhance the progress or attain the desired outcome. Additionally, you can also re-inject Sculptra to extend the duration of the treatment’s effects.
Allergic reactions and side effects are very uncommon, with the main symptoms being swelling and bruising. It is crucial for prospective clients to inform their Master Provider about any known allergies or medication during the initial free facial assessment at Juvly. This information will help ensure that the appropriate filler is selected.
Having Sculptra Butt Lift in Turkey?
The patient must carefully search for an appropriate service provider, have information, and ask about the surgeon and his experience. And also, checking examples of his previous operations.
Accordingly, we encourage you to contact the Health & Beauty to obtain all information and details, and to ensure that you have your operation done by the hands of the most skilled doctors working in this specialty.